Replacement Ferry Design Process Moving Forward
Following the 2023 Fleet Analysis and RFP, a contract was awarded to Glosten for the design of a new ferry to replace the Munnatawket. Work began in September.
Following the 2023 Fleet Analysis and RFP, a contract was awarded to Glosten for the design of a new ferry to replace the Munnatawket. Work began in September.
The Ferry District and its Commissioners would like to thank the Fishers Island community and those who regularly rode the Silver Eel for the opportunity to provide passenger only service.
Please note: the 1st BOC meeting for November has been moved to Thursday, November 14th
Candidates must complete a Nominating Petition which can be found at the FI Ferry Business Office. The Nominating Petition is due Friday, July 19, 2024 at 12:00 noon.