
FAQs & Policies

We hope the Frequently Asked Questions below will help with most queries. If you can’t find the answers to your questions, please contact us.

Schedule, times and rates are subject to change without notice.


*There is no charge for deliveries of Rx/medicine, FedEx express and UPS to Fishers Island.

FedEx Ground, Home and Freight may be handled by independent contractors, the Ferry District freight charge for these packages follows normal freight pricing. Please make a note of this and unless you have a freight charge account you will need to pay the exact amount in cash when picking up your freight. Remember, this does NOT apply to regular Federal Express, only Fed Ex Home, Ground and Freight.

If you expect to be on the island longer than a week it is highly recommended to have a freight credit account as cash transactions will take longer to process. Ask your freight agent to help you set up an account.

Food shipments, i.e., Instacart, require a credit card backed Ferry Freight credit account.

Create a Freight Credit Account

Please complete the form and give it to the FI Freight agents.

The trip across aboard the MV Munnatawket and MV Race Point auto ferries takes about 45 minutes one way, with a round-trip being approximately 2.5 hours.
The MV Munnatawket ferry holds approximately 18 vehicles and MV Race Point ferry holds approximately 25 vehicles, depending on the mix and total length of the vehicles aboard any one particular departure.
Yes we do. In fact, weather-related impacts to our service are very few and far between. While passenger safety will always be our top priority, the Ferry can and regularly does sail in the rain, snow, and high wind. If we do find ourselves in a situation where the weather impacts our regularly scheduled operation, our customer service team reaches out to all reserved guests, and we post a travel advisory here on the website as well as on our social media channels.
Give us a call at 860-442-0165. Your tickets are valid for one year from the date of purchase, so if you’re going to be late we may be able to move your reservation to the next available departure with an administrative fee.
By entering the Ferry property, people agree to searches of their baggage, vehicle, person or property and to provide a photo ID upon request. The terminal is under video surveillance.

  • Vehicle reservations are highly recommended. FI Ticketing & Reservation offices hours are limited. It is best to use the website to make or change a reservation. Make reservations online.
  • If you make an on-line reservation you will receive an email confirmation. If you do not receive a confirmation, first check your junk mail and if not there please call Ticketing at 860-442-0165 or FI Ticketing at 631-788-7744 when the office is open.
  • All commercial vehicles, oversized vehicles and trailers must make a reservation via the Commercial Desk in New London at 860-442-0165 x302. Weekdays 8:30 – 3:30.
  • All non-commercial vehicles >18’ or higher than 6’6” are considered over-sized and must purchase additional fare.
  • No Driver Vehicles require No Driver ticket and a mirror hanger form. On Fishers Island the ticket must be purchased either at the kiosk or via the ticket agent.
  • Vehicles must be in line with a driver 25 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of the reservation. Guests must be made aware of this.


  • Vehicle tickets are round trip and will be scanned and collected in New London. Vehicle tickets are not required for departing Fishers however, vehicle reservations are recommended when leaving FI.


  • Lane 1 is non-commercial vehicle standby.
  • Lane 2 is reserved for smaller vehicles.
  • Lane 3 is reserved for primarily larger vehicles and all vehicles > 6’6” height and 18’ long.
  • Lanes 4 & 5 are for commercial vehicles, rental trucks and all trailers.


  • All lanes as directed by Stager, subject to change depending on traffic flow
  • Lanes 3 & 4  are reserved for non-business/commercial  “domestic”  vehicles
  • Lane 5/6 is standby for “domestic” vehicles
  • Lane 7 is reserved business/commercial

When entering the New London terminal and for your safety please do not stop or pause on the railroad tracks.


  • Once your car is safely parked on the ferry, please turn off the vehicle engine and place the vehicle in either park or in first gear and engage the handbrake.
  • You may exit your vehicle to go to the passenger cabin or sun decks. (Certain cabin space is reserved for the school on the 7:00AM and 4:45PM weekday trips during the school session.)
  • You may stay in your vehicle (except in the last lane on the ferry), but once the ferry trip begins you will not be allowed to move between the vehicle & passenger decks.
  • If you need to roll your window down, please mask up.
  • If you leave an animal in the vehicle please crack the windows as the vehicle deck can become very hot in the summers.

  • Walk-on passengers are welcome on the ferry as-long-as passengers follow New York State and Island Health Project protocols, including: wear a mask and social distance.
  • Passenger tickets are required from both locations. Round trips only originate in New London.

For your safety and the safety of others please observe the following policies and rules while aboard the ferry:

  • Respect the captain and crew at all times.
  • Access to pilot house and engine room is not permitted by passengers.
  • There is no smoking allowed anywhere on the ferry.
  • No gasoline, kerosene, propane or other inflammable material are permitted on the ferry per the USCG.
  • Please be respectful of your fellow passengers and keep cellphone and music volumes low and especially be mindful of the language you use in a public area.
  • Small children must be accompanied by an adult.
  • All pets must be leashed or in vehicles.
  • When operating a vehicle on the ferry and at ferry terminals, follow the deckhand’s signals at all times.
  • Backing on can be quite stressful. Please follow the instructions of the deckhands and captains.
  • Remain off the stairs while the ferry is docking and disembarking.
  • Once the ferry has docked, passengers will disembark after the center vehicle lanes are cleared.
  • Do not walk through freight wagons.
  • After the passengers disembark the remaining vehicles will be allowed off the ferry.  Please do not start your engine until it is your turn and follow the deckhand signals.
  • The Fishers Island Ferry is not responsible for damage to vehicles while moving on or off the vessels or while underway.


  • NEW LONDON – please follow the marked routes to the respective ferry ramp.  Present ticket to crew member when boarding. Walk on ferry using the yellow ramp path when advised by the crew. Be mindful of vehicles.
  • FISHERS ISLAND – please follow the pedestrian walkway along the Coast Guard fence to the North ferry ramp.  For the South ferry ramp please stay near the flower bed or stay on the wharf until instructed to board. Present ticket to crew member when boarding.. Be mindful of vehicles.


  • NEW LONDON – please follow the marked pedestrian routes and go to the right and keep close to the terminal building. Be mindful of vehicles.
  • FISHERS ISLAND – For the North ramp please follow the yellow ramp section to the pedestrian walkway along the Coast Guard fence.  For the South ramp please walk along the wharf to the terminal building.  Be mindful of vehicles – especially when crossing the road to parked cars and the school stairs. .Do not stop in the roadway.

FedEx Express and all UPS shipments to Fishers Island do not have an additional Ferry freight charge

FedEx Express and all UPS normally arrive on the mid-day trip.  During the Peak season some freight may arrive on a later trip.  The Freight Agents on Fishers will try to will process the late arrivals as soon as they can.

If you have a special item that you need absolutely, positively that day it is best to contact NL Freight early in the morning to see if they can isolate it before it is packed for Fishers.  There are no guarantees that this can and will occur, but we will try.

Except for Rx and perishable items, freight will be processed as soon as possible, but plan on it being held 24 hours before being available for delivery to customers.  At boat times freight delivery will be delayed and at the weekday mid-day boat the area maybe closed to facilitate sorting and shelving of the newly arrived freight.  Your patience is appreciated.

If you expect to be on the island longer than a week it is highly recommended to have a freight credit account as cash transactions will take longer to process. Ask your freight agent to help you set up an account.

Freight should be addressed as follows:

Recipient’s Name
Recipient’s Fishers Island Street Number and Name
Recipient’s #box number*
Fishers Island, NY 06390**

* Please use “#” and the recipient’s Fishers PO Box. Do not write “box”.
** If ZIP +4 can be used the “4” is your Fishers PO Box number preceded with a zero.

Freight shipping will be charged to the primary name on the shipping label.  For the Benefit Of (FBO) items will be charged to the primary or Care of (c/o) name on the shipping label. For example:  Jane Doe c/o Yard Dog Contracting or Yard Dog Contracting FBO Jane Doe will be billed to John’s Contracting.

Food shipments, i.e., Instacart, require a credit card backed Ferry Freight credit account.  Food shipments outside of freight hours will not be accepted.
Rx normally arrives on the weekday 3:30 trip. There is no regular Saturday Rx. If Rx is shipped on the weekends you must meet the ferry, or it goes back to New London.
Many shipping services, i.e., UPS,  FedEx Express, etc.,  will issue a delivery email to their customers when New London Freight receives the item. [email protected] will issue a brief email to the customer with the expected boat time that the item will be shipped.  A second ferry email from [email protected] may follow with an itemized description and freight charges. Payment will be expected upon pick-up of the item unless the customer has a freight credit account in place.

If you would like to receive email freight notifications please confirm with [email protected] your email address and other contact details.

Freight must be collected within 5 days of arriving in the freight office.
Storage fees will be payable for each day following the 5th day:
<= 50 lbs.$2.00
> 50 lbs.$5.00
Please Note: Freight received after 2:45 cannot be guaranteed same day island delivery. No freight will be accepted in New London after 3:15 pm.
FedEx Ground, Home and Freight may be handled by independent contractors, the Ferry District freight charge for these packages follows normal freight pricing. Please make a note of this and unless you have a freight charge account, you will need to pay the exact amount in cash when picking up your freight.

Remember, this does NOT apply to regular Federal Express, only Home, Ground and Freight.

Passengers who feel that their vehicle has been damaged, through no fault of their own, while being loaded onto or off of a Ferry District vessel, or while on a vessel, need to do the following:

  1. Immediately report the incident to a crew member or to the Captain in charge of the vessel.
  2. Insure that the Captain fills out an Accident Report and provide the necessary contact information.
  3. The Captain submits the report to management for review and determination of repair.
  4. If the report is accepted, the passenger is asked to submit a professional body shop estimate.
  5. Once the estimate is accepted, the repairs will be made and payment will be issued to the body shop.
  6. Should the report or the estimate not be accepted, the claim will be denied and sent to the Board of Commissioners for a further review.

Automobiles and other vehicles shall be stowed in such a manner as to permit both passengers and operators to get out and away from vehicles freely in the event of fire or other disaster.

Where there is insufficient clearance to provide for easy egress at all times both passengers and operators will be directed to leave their vehicles and occupy spaces reserved for them during the crossing.

CFR TITLE 46, VOL 3, SECTION 78.40-1


Passengers are not allowed on the vehicle deck unless they are safely seated and remain in their vehicles.

Passengers are not allowed to ride in their vehicles if they are on the stern.

In moderate weather passengers may ride in their cars in accordance with policy 990120A (The Stowage Of Vehicles) AND if they are more than twenty feet forward of the stern unless passengers have approval from the captain.


The year-round resident program has been established by the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District for the purpose of encouraging and sustaining year round residency through a ticket discount when using the ferry service. Year round residents are encouraged to register to vote from a Fishers Island address in order to participate in ferry elections.

Qualifications of “Year Round Residency”

  1. The applicant will be resident on Fishers Island, New York “year round”, at least nine months (270 days) of the calendar year. The dependents of year round residents also qualify until they establish separate residence or pass their 26th birthday.
  2. All resident ID holders and applicants must present a valid NY State driver’s license or NYS ID with a Fishers Island address.
  3. Applicants/ID holders must submit completed application/renewal form to the Fishers Island Ferry District’s business office for review and approval.
  4. In order to receive the discount, the year round resident must display his/her ID card when purchasing a ticket and unique cards must be displayed for each ticket acquired. Year-round residents may use pictures of their Resident IDs on their mobile devices as proof of residency and eligibility for the resident fare discount in place of having the ID card on-hand.
  5. Discount trips are strictly for personal use only. Year round residents using the ferry for business or commercial use are required to pay the full fare.
  6. Residents new to Fishers Island are required to have maintained a full time, documented status for a minimum of four (4) months before obtaining a year round resident ID card. The four month waiting period may be shortened if a valid NY State driver’s license or NYS ID with a Fishers Island address is provided.
  7. Replacement cards cost $10.00.
  8. Residents are required to have a freight account with an email address.

Granting of the year round pass is ultimately at the discretion of the Fishers Island Ferry District’s Board of Commissioners. The resident ID may be suspended or withdrawn at any time. Misuse of this privilege may result in termination of the ID card.

If you require a new picture (recommended for children) please contact Hunter at x7744 or [email protected].

Download the 2023 Year-Round Pass Application.
Download the Year-Round Pass Renewal Form.

Medical Transportation

Medical doctors and veterinarians need to contact the ferry as soon as possible and fax (631 755-5523) the request naming the requestor, address, contact telephone number and the patient’s name, patient’s contact number and the ferry trip.

The ferry will make its best efforts to afford transportation. It should clear to the requestor and the patient that the ferry service is not for emergency transportation and all service provided is as is without any warranties.

Medical Therapy

Customers who must travel to the mainland for medical therapy may contact the Board of Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District to request fare abatement.

(November 13, 2017)

Car Reservations

  1. Same Day Reservations. Customers may book reservations for transportation of automobiles to or from the island on the same day as the day of travel (“Same Day Reservations”). However Same Day Reservations must be made in person at either the New London or Fishers Island ticket office, and may not be made for trips within 2 hours of the time the reservation is being made. For example: Customers may not make a reservation at 11:00AM for a 12:30PM departure. Customers may make an 11:00AM reservation for a ferry that departs at 3:30PM.
  2. Reservation Changes – Via Telephone. Customers may change reservations over the telephone if the new (changed) reservation is for a trip that departs not sooner than the next day subsequent to the date the change is made. Customers may not change reservations over the telephone for any departure that falls on the same day as the original reservation. New London ticket agents will not accept telephone calls for reservation changes within 30 minutes of any scheduled New London departure time.
  3. Reservation Changes – In Person. Customers who wish to change reservations for same day travel may do so only in person, and only for a trip that departs at least two hours after the time of the original reservation. For example, a customer may not make a reservation at 11:00AM for travel on the 12:45PM ferry. The customer may, however, make an 11:00AM reservation change for travel on the 4:45PM ferry that same day.
  4. 25 Minute Rule. Please remember, that all automobiles must be in line with a driver or a No-Driver ticket prominently displayed 25 minutes prior to departure times. Reserved cars that are not in line with a driver or No-Driver ticket will be sent to the end of the stand-by line.

Reservation Cut Off Time “25 Minute Rule”

Vehicles must be in line with a driver ready to board no later than 25 minutes prior to departure time or their reservation will be forfeited.

Leaving the ticket and keys in the car are not conditions that qualify for being on time unless the owner has paid for a driverless car, places the driverless ticket with the car ticket and has marked the automobile with the appropriate tag provided by the ticket agent.

It is not sufficient for drivers to leave the automobile in line with keys and tickets. If the automobile fails to comply with the 25 Minute Rule, it will go to the back of the standby line. In such event, the reservation will be honored for payment purposes, but not for purposes of ensuring a scheduled departure.

(October 11, 2017)

Dog Policy

Dogs – Leashed and Attended. When dogs are on deck (not confined to a crate or automobile) they should be leashed and attended by their owners at all times.

(October 11, 2017)

Passenger Tickets

  • Passengers can purchase round trip tickets via our website, App, at our New London Ticket Counter or at either of our terminal based kiosks. Passenger Tickets will be scanned off the app or paper ticket prior to getting on the ferry.
  • Round trips only originate from New London.
  • Passengers from Fishers Island will utilize the same round trip ticket for return passage and present that ticket to a deckhand when getting on the ferry at Fishers Island. Passengers who do not present a ticket will be directed to the kiosk or reservation office for purchase.
  • Seasonal and resident pricing remains unchanged for round trip tickets.
  • Commuter books will still be offered at existing discounts, and hole-punched as above.
  • Tickets will be sold at the Ferry terminals in New London and on Fishers Island during normally scheduled hours.
  • A One-way passenger ticket costs $15 regardless of seasonal pricing or residential status. One-way tickets will only be used when leaving the Island and presented when disembarking at New London.
  • One-way passenger tickets will be also be available for purchase at kiosks located at the Fishers Island Ferry Terminal waiting room and at the Village Market.
  • Fishers Island School students (K-12) traveling by Ferry from New London, will receive one round trip ticket per day and must show a school ID for their return trip.
  • Visiting team members attending a FI School sporting event will receive one round trip ticket per day.

Vehicle Tickets

  • Automobiles are unchanged. Tickets will be hole-punched to show that it has been used, and turned in when getting on a ferry at New London. An auto ticket is not required for return travel.

Other Notes

  • On Board ticket sales will not be offered at this time.
  • Old tickets and ticket books will expire 1 year from date of issue.

The Fishers Island Ferry District reserves the right to amend the Ticketing Policy at any time.

(October 1, 2017)

Sorry, no. The Ferry is a completely tobacco-free campus. No smoking, vaping, or tobacco use of any sort is allowed on the property, on the boats, in the terminals.

This Cargo Trip schedule is in effect through the May schedule or until notified.

Cut-off times have been implemented to allow us to load the boats more efficiently/safely, carry other cargo and re-assure the additional cargo vendors that they (or their customers) will not be bumped at the last minute.

NO non-commercial / residential reservations will be accepted.

To simplify vessel loading, advance or long-range commercial reservations are encouraged.

Spaces held for fuel vendors:
Combination of either 1ea tractor trailer or max of 4, 34/37’ fuel or propane trucks. These spots or a combination are held until the commercial reservation cut-off time.

The Coast Guard has currently authorized FIFD to carry up to 25 passengers on cargo runs, however the normal authorized amount is 16 and the USCG may revert at any time. These trips are open to anyone on a space available basis. This number does not include the ship’s crew but does include the drivers associated with the trucks.

Example 1: If trip is scheduled to carry three trucks with three drivers there will be 22 passenger spaces available. Depending on deck load, space and weight this could include non-commercial vehicles.

Example 2: If passenger count has reached 25 and there is adequate deck space and room for additional weight we can ship no-driver vehicles and or additional cargo/freight.

Departure or arrival times may change without notice to general public due to vendor delivery requirements or lack of cargo reservations.

Wednesday’s cargo runs:

1) 9:15 am Depart NL
2) 10:15 am Depart FI
3) 1:00 pm Depart NL
4) 12:00 pm Depart FI

Cut-off time for a Wednesday reserved spot is NLT 12:00 the Friday before.

Saturday’s cargo runs:

1) 9:15 am Depart NL
2) 10:15 am Depart FI
3) 1:00 pm Depart NL
4) 2:00 pm Depart FI

Cut-off time for a Saturday trip @ 12:00 the Wednesday before.

Trips may be cancelled due to weather.

We have requested a permit from the Coast Guard to carry more than 16 passengers aboard our cargo runs but have not heard back yet. For now, until further notice, we are limited to 16 passengers only, which includes the fuel truck passengers.

Schedule, times and rates are subject to change without notice.

Non‐Commercial Reservations

  • ALL Vehicles must be in line 25 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time with a driver or a No‐Driver ticket prominently displayed. Late arrival cancels the reservation.
  • All non‐commercial auto reservation cancellations incur a 5% cancellation fee.
  • Non‐commercial auto reservation changes on the day of travel will be allowed in person only at the New London ticket desk, with no fee based upon availability and conditions. All other changes to non‐commercial auto reservations incur a 5% transfer fee.
  • Web reservations are for non‐commercial vehicles only. The reservation is not guaranteed until the customer receives an e‐mail confirmation. The customer must print the confirmation and present it at the New London ticket counter to receive a ticket.
  • All vehicles over 6 feet 6 inches high or over 18 feet in length are considered oversize. Oversize non‐commercial vehicles will be assessed a surcharge.
  • Resident tickets and payments will be FORFEITED if the bearer does not show proof of Fishers Island residency at the ticket counter or ferry ramp prior to departure.

Commercial Vehicle Reservations

  • Commercial vehicles can reserve space ONLY through the New London (860‐442‐0165) Commercial Reservations Office between 8:00am and 4:00pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Payment will be collected on the day the commercial reservation is made.

ChangesTransfer Fee
Made 2 (or more) days in advance of travel10%
Made less than 2 days in advance of travel100%
Made 5 (or more) days in advance of travel10% (90% Refund)
Made 2-4 days in advance of travel50% (50% Refund)
Made less than 2 days in advance of travel100% (No Refund)

Damage Disclaimer

The Fishers Island Ferry District is not responsible for:

  • Damage to vehicles while moving on or off the vessels.
  • Damage to freight shipped on the ferry or stored at either terminal.
  • Vehicles (or their contents) parked at either terminal.

Ferry Departures

  • All Ferry District ferries will depart as per the published schedule.
  • Once the security gate is closed, it will not be reopened (per the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002).
  • Once on board, passengers are not allowed to leave the ferry (per the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002).

Ferry Delays

  • The Ferry District is under no obligation to delay departures on any trip.
  • The Ferry District may delay and/or cancel sailing for safety reasons or the approach of potentially hazardous weather.

Weather Policy

Because of the broad spectrum of clientele Fishers Island Ferry serves and the impact weather can have on its operation there are going to be times when Captains or Managers must exercise their best judgment in determining departure time. This determination should in no way diminish Fishers Island Ferries commitment to on time departures or the safety of the passengers, the vessel or the crew.

Train Policy

The only train Fishers Island Ferry Captains will wait for is the last train of the evening/day. Captains will wait a maximum of 15 minutes before departing. If train is or has been blocking the train crossing ten minutes prior to departure an additional five extra minutes is allowed before “a late departure” to allow for loading.

Anytime a delay is anticipated Captain/crew is directed to make a short general announcement to passengers as to the reason and estimated departure time.

(December 8, 2014)

In accordance with the Maritime Transportation Security Act and in cooperation with the City of New London and State of Connecticut, parking at the Fishers Island Ferry District terminal in New London will be closely monitored and controlled. Patrons are encouraged to park at the Water Street Parking garage.

20 paid parking spaces will be available at the New London terminal including three spaces for handicapped permits. These spaces will be available on a first come – first served basis.

  • Customers must prepay for parking.
  • Customers must display a fishers island ferry district card on their review mirror indicating the owner’s identity, contact number, date and time of pickup.
  • Customers are required to leave the keys with the ticket agents in the building.

Any vehicles left for more than 30 minutes without a current ferry district parking card on display will be towed.

Commercial vehicles will also pay for parking at the rate described below.


Parking Rates

Weekday (Day) Mon-Thurs.$20.00
Weekday (Hourly) max. 6hrs$3.00/hr
Weekday (Day) Friday before 12 Noon$20.00
Weekday (Day) Friday After 12 noon$40.00
Weekend (Day) Sat-Sun$40.00
Weekday (hourly) max. 4hrs$3.00/hr

The day rate applies from midnight until 21:00 Saturday through Thursday, 23:00 on Fridays. For example, a vehicle left at 18:00 on Monday through 09:00 on Tuesday WILL BE CHARGED for 2 days.

New London terminal ticket agents will apply parking charges via the ticketing system. PARKING TICKETS WILL NOT BE PRODUCED. Two receipts will be generated for each transaction. If a vehicle is left beyond the time allotted through pre-payment, the balance will be collected at the time of pick up, prior to the vehicle’s keys being returned. Vehicles that exceed more than one day beyond the pre-payment date, without additional contact with the facility agents, will be towed.


Commercial rates are applied to commercial vehicles that exceed 18’ in length and remain parked at the New London terminal overnight. This latitude will be provided only if prior arrangements are made with the office in New London. Often such vehicles leave the island during the course of the day and are scheduled to be picked up by the end of business hours of the same day. For each night a commercial vehicle remains at the terminal the charge will $24.00, Monday through Thursday and $48.00, Friday through Sunday.


Additional parking is available at the Water Street Parking Garage in New London, directly across the street from the ferry terminal. Rates are subject to change without notice. Please call (860) 443-1775 to verify parking garage rates.

Weekday (Mon-Fri)$10.00/day
Sat-Sun & Holidays$15.00/day


Parking is also available at the Governor Winthrop Parking Garage across from the Holiday Inn hotel.

Weekday (Mon-Fri)$10.00/day
Weekends (in on Fri - out on Sun or Mon)$25.00

Individuals Allowed Free Passage On Fishers Island Ferry

  • Catholic priest active at Our Lady of Grace
  • Minister active at Union Chapel
  • Duty State Trooper active at FI Barracks
  • Minister active at St. Johns – Summer Only
  • Minister active at Church of the Rock

NOTE: Spouses, children, live-ins, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc. are not entitled to free passage.

Vehicles go free only when driven by an authorized free rider.

(May 22, 2002)