Replacement Ferry Design Process Moving Forward
November 2024
Following the 2023 Fleet Analysis, the Fishers Island Ferry District and its Commissioners, working with Maritime Consulting Partners, developed a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the design of a new ferry to replace the Munnatawket. The process involved members of the Ferry staff, Commissioners and members of the Fishers Island community. We received proposals from a total of four firms including Incat Crowther, Elliot Bay Design Group, Bristol Harbor Group and Glosten. The evaluation process was thorough and comprehensive. A contract was awarded to Glosten and work began in September.
Our base design criteria is that the vessel be similar in length and somewhat wider than the Race Point. We want to look at all propulsion options available today and utilize accepted ADA Guidelines for Ferries.
Glosten is a full-service consulting firm made up of naval architects and marine, electrical, production, and ocean engineering with offices in Providence, Rhode Island and Seattle, WA. They have been around for 66 years and come with experience in designing passenger and vehicle ferries, research vessels, tugs, barges and dredges.
Since awarding the contract, Ferry personnel have been meeting weekly with Glosten architects to answer questions and provide input as the design process moves forward. Our expectation is to have final design and technical specifications completed by June 2025.
Any questions or wish to know more, please contact Geb Cook [email protected]